
November 1st, 2019 – JAKARTA, We are very excited to announce that as of November 1, 2019, our logo has transformed and changed effectively.

And we couldn’t be happier to share with you the meaning behind the change of our brand identity.

This is become our big step since the business has grown and has been providing all the services for these past 25 years.  It’s time for us to change. We have altered our logo to represent who we are today and to reflect our initial vision in delivering more innovative communication solutions in the future.

Simply, our new logo obtains these three meaningful points:

  1. The range of distance and time are unboundedly connected.
  2. Interacting to gain purposeful meaning.
  3. Wide high quality radiance.

Moreover, we changed along our tagline into: Communication Solution. Since we learn to expand our point of view to see ourselves and you as partners that will achieve more success together in the future. For us, your success is our accomplishment.

Let’s looking and moving forward together!

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