4 Tips Bekerja Hybrid untuk Tingkatkan Produktivitas

4 Tips Bekerja Hybrid untuk Tingkatkan Produktivitas

Bekerja hybrid adalah model kerja yang memungkinkan karyawan untuk memadukan aktivitas bekerja di dalam kantor dengan aktivitas bekerja dari lokasi lain, seperti dari rumah, kafe, atau co-working space. Dalam sistem ini, karyawan memiliki fleksibilitas untuk menentukan kapan harus hadir di kantor atau bekerja secara remote, tergantung pada kebutuhan pekerjaan atau kebijakan perusahaan.   Model kerja hybrid sudah banyak diterapkan oleh beberapa perusahaan. Tren ini terus meningkat, terutama setelah pandemi COVID-19 yang memaksa banyak perusahaan menerapkan sistem kerja jarak jauh. Sejumlah perusahaan mempertahankan model kerja hybrid karena dinilai lebih efektif dan efisien, baik untuk operasional perusahaan maupun produktivitas karyawan.  Tren…

Thank You, Our Beloved Customers. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh pelanggan yang telah memberikan kepercayaan kepada Primacom sebagai penyedia solusi komunikasi perusahaan Anda. Primacom dengan sepenuh hati memberikan layanan yang terbaik karena keberhasilan Anda juga menjadi keberhasilan kami.

Chess, Table Tennis, and Badminton Sports Day is one of the yearly opportunities in Primacom for the all employees to come together. On that particular days, Primacom celebrate unity through sport activities, such as Chess, Table Tennis, and Badminton.

AHEMCE IT FORUM 2019 Jakarta, 8th August 2019 – PT Primacom Interbuana (Primacom) supported Astra Heavy Equipment Mining, Construction, and Energy (AHEMCE) event held by PT United Tractors, Tbk at Grand Ballroom UTNB – Cakung, Jakarta Timur. In order to have continous knowledge update to the most recent technology development among the AHEMECE community, the...

“Love Others by Donating Your Blood” Tangerang, September 27th, 2018 – Primacom conducted Blood Donor Program, carrying forward the theme “Love Others by Donating Your Blood”. Collaborated with Tangerang Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI), this activity has become the 41th Blood Donor Activity that has been held by PT Primacom Interbuana. Held on 6th floor in Prima...

Primafleet Solution

Your Assets Management & Tracking Solution Where, when, which and how always come to be questions from our customers or decision makers to get information about their assets moving or their transportation unit have the most effective way to operational. Here Primacom come with the solution PRIMAFLEET for answering those questions; where’s the asset?, when’ll...


Primacom Interbuana Establishes Leading Position in Indonesia as the First Commercial Data Centre Awarded the ANSI/TIA- 942 Facilities Rated-3 Certification March 5th, 2018 – Primacom Interbuana Data Center was awarded the world-class ANSI/TIA-942 Facilities Rated-3 by EPI Certification. This is a high distinction for Primacom Interbuana (hereafter Primacom), being the first commercial data centre to receive the TIA-942...

Primacom Topping Off Ceremony for Gedung Prima Sejahtera was held on May 16th, 2016.

Bogor-2013 One of the best Primacom’s charity in helping people in need to have an easy access of clean water for daily living. Conducted on May 7-8, 2013 at Cibuyutan village, Tanjung Sari, Bogor, more than 20 employees were hand-in-hand to develop water reservoir and pipe over 1,5 km length.